2012 has been a pretty cool year for ORIGINAL MUSIC REVIEWS. This past year, we have listened to a ton of new original music and seen a bunch of original artists preform live. It was great to catch up with old friends and make new ones. We have met many original artists in person, on Facebook, on Twitter, and by email. We have also met a bunch of you sick twisted original music freaks, who enjoy going to live shows which feature original artists. Guess you think that Cover Bands or Tribute Bands are as boring as we do. Original Music Reviews thanks all of you for your interest and friendship.
To those of you who we have just met or if you are now just finding out about www.OriginalMusicReviews.BlogSpot.com please let us introduce ourselves and tell you what this site is about: Discovering Tomorrow's New Music, Today.
IF we find pleasure in listening to your music or something interesting about it, we may write a public review that you can use for promotion to toot your own horn.
Here at Original Music Reviews, we try hard not to put on blast any original music artist who is not ready to go to the next level; The National / International Spot Light. We search the globe looking for the next big act. When this site was put together, we knew that not every original artist, band, group, musician, rapper, screamer, singer, songwriter, or yodeler who has the balls to submit music for us to review, would make the cut. Those of you in the past who have submitted CDs and did not have your music reviewed on this site, never give up on your craft !!
First of all, who the hell are we to say that you are not yet ready for the next level? Music, like all art, is an opinionated subject. Others may disagree with our opinions. We will always be respectful to those who disagree. Maybe you are better than we thought. Keep plugging away and prove us wrong !!
First of all, who the hell are we to say that you are not yet ready for the next level? Music, like all art, is an opinionated subject. Others may disagree with our opinions. We will always be respectful to those who disagree. Maybe you are better than we thought. Keep plugging away and prove us wrong !!
Second, take it as a learning process. If you want to know why we did not publicly review your CD or come to your live concert, just ask. Send an e-mail to us (go to top of home page and click "INFO" for e-mail address) and we will let you know privately why we "passed" on sharing your music on a public review. You can email us if you need some music business advice, too.
Also, you can always submit your next piece of material in the future. Just because we "passed" on your last CD doesn't mean that we won't listen to your next one.
Some CDs, which have been submitted, did not have any Copyright or Publish date on it. As always, make certain whenever you send your music to ANYONE that you have it Copyrighted and/or Published. If you do not register your work, others can steal it along with the money you could be earning from something you wrote. Here is a link to the U.S. Library of Congress Copyright Office www.copyright.gov for more info. Let everyone know that they are listening to YOUR Original Music.
Becoming a nationally successful original music artist takes time. Even "new" successful music talent did not happen "over night." Nobody can pick up an instrument for the very fist time and write a hit tune on the first day. Most times it takes many YEARS of learning then practice to become a "new" talent. Some people call it "paying dues." Keep on writing and performing. Work very hard at your craft. Someday it will be you on that large stage.

Speaking of the end, the Myans (as was everyone else who tried to predict the end of this world) were wrong. Some of us believe that no man will know the date or the hour. The End will come like a thief in the night. Until the end truly comes, we're going to let other blogs write about lockouts, ceilings, cliffs, bad behavior, or other worldly doom and gloom. 2012 maybe coming to an end but, Original Music Reviews will continue to be open and focus on the bright future of Original Music. We look forward to the New Year and to all of the great music & friendships to come. We hope you join us in 2013 !!
Happy New Year !!
One of our Favorite Photos in 2012 |
Video of one of our Favorite Concerts in 2012 http://youtu.be/aL9Fn2pPsY8