When it comes to your music career, you are in the driver seat. Lets say you have this brand new music vehicle. The color, make and model doesn't matter: a JAZZY Sports Coupe, a COUNTRY Size Pick Up Truck, a RAPPERS Delight SUV (with rims of course), or a ROCK'n Loud Chopper. Whichever your music vehicle is, every single day you should start it up, put it in gear, and turn where you want to go with it.
Every career path is like a road. Where your career ends depends on your mindset. Your music vehicle can take you on the highway of success or to the dead end of Cover Bandville. It depends on you, because you are the driver.

Most original artist who first get involved in music, start out with their pure love of music. What a great feeling it is to create a cool sound or write a catchy lyric. What fun it is for you to perform live in front of your friends and family. It's like racing above the speed limit with the wind in your hair (if you have any). Just don't get distracted by life, or being lazy, or because the doubts of others.
At some point early in an original artist's career, (before they seriously have a career) some artists become trapped as dreamers, others become disgruntled and become haters and others end up quitting their local music scene and start or join a Cover Band. The artist who work hard and smart are the ones who become successful. It depends upon people's individual music career mindset.
When it comes to your Music Career Mindset;
Are you a Dreamer, a Worker, a Hater, or a Quitter?
One day your are practicing your music. You sound great and even the neighbors are cheering outside through the walls. Then, a limo pulls up. Some fat old man smoking a cigar gets out and tells you that he wants to sign you to a recording contract. You both jump into the limo and you're on the way to the airport and fly on a private jet to Japan where your tour bus is waiting for you to start your world tour. On the bus the fat old man gives you a suit case with a million dollars cash in it for you. Just then, your alarm goes off and it's time for you to... WAKE UP !!
Sure, most original artist dream that they can create, practice, play, & record their own music for a living. A living, which is filled with the above mentioned perks . . . IF you work hard to become successful. But are you stuck in dream gear or fantasy land? Air Guitar or Lip Syncing may be fun when you were 8 years old. Is playing with yourself in front of your mirror the closest you will come to playing in front of a packed audience? How far can you get as a Total DREAMER?
Life can be busy. Most of us have family, school, work, or a combo obligations of all three. What you do in your free time to advance your music career maybe limited, but it is important. If you find yourself playing with your video game joystick more than practicing your musical talent, you have a problem. Gaming can be fun but being creative and working on your skills to make yourself a better musician can be more rewarding. If you are a guitarist please learn how NOT to look at your neck while playing. If you play keys, teach yourself how to know what you are playing without looking down. Basically, to become a successful entertainer, you need to practice. Those who do not take practice seriously, will never become champions (proof here). Recently, there was a story in the news about a drummer who ran out of gas on the side of the highway (Story here). While he was waiting for help, he decided to unload his gear and jam on the side of the road. This drummer is committed to working hard at his skills. If you are looking for a drummer to join your band, you need to get this guy.
Also, there was another story about a guitarist playing his guitar during an operation on HIS BRAIN (Story here). What are you doing today? Don't eat chips naked on a bean bag chair while you play video games. Be a WORKER and work long hard hours on being the best that you can be. Find the time and make it happen.
The social media is always a buzz with people who hide behind a computer keyboard to spew hate toward the local original music scene via cyber assassination. These dorks do Drive-bys on social media, shooting hate filled comments then take off. Most of the time it's the same losers who are never at any local shows, unless their band is playing. Then, there are others who also complain on the net that they deserve to have success within the music scene. They believe that they deserve opening up for a national band in front of 10,000 people. As if they could sell out a 900 seat theatre if they promoted the show themselves. These folks waste time on social media saying how great their music sounds, yet you haven't wrote more than one note in months, and their last CD is 3 years old. Hey Mr. Talent, put away the computer keyboard and start jamming on a music keyboard. We like to call these folks who talk trash and/or think that their music is better than others: Doctor Jekyll / Mr. Hide behind the computer.
Physician heal thy self! Hey you tool, shut up and play the one gig a month at the same venue, with the same two bands you always do, because your music career will never be more than a hobby. If you are a serious music artist you should get off of the net and into a local show and network. Know this: the music industry is not fair. It is greedy. IF you work hard maybe you can increase your fan base which itself will convince A&R, Booking Agents, Management, & Radio people that they will make money off of your work. Again the key word is work. You know it and you hate other successful original artists because of your lack of work ethic. Behaving like an ass will stunt your future. Those who could help you, read your BS and want to have nothing to do with you because you are a HATER.
A&R reps (Yes, there are a few still around), Booking agents, and other more important people in the music biz don't care about the BS you are shoveling. They don't care if you think that your music is better than others. If THEY don't think your music is better than others they will not book or sign you up. The truth is whether or not you think that you deserve it, others will be the ones who seal your fate. If you can't handle years of hard work do yourself a favor and don't waste your time on social media blasting your home town or the radio stations for not playing you. Quit crying like a baby and write and record some new music that others will enjoy.
The next group of people we will offend in this post are the QUITTERS. Cover Bands and Tribute Bands usually were Original Music Artists who became quitters. They have quit on their dreams and became lazy when It comes to creativity. They would rather have people cheer for them playing other Original Artists music then have the guts to take a chance and create their own music. Which is more rewarding, having a room cheering you because of a song you wrote or having a room cheering because of the artist you just copied or imitated? Besides, have you ever seen a Cover Band or Tribute Band play a sold out stadium in concert? Only Original Music Artists can sell out a larger concert venue.
When it comes to your music career, are you a dreamer, a worker, a hater or a quitter?
Take our quiz. Would you describe your music mind set as one of the following:
A) a hateful person, jealous of all around me.
B) creating, practice, playing, & recording my own music.

C) jamming to other people's music.
D) chilling, hanging out, & playing with my joystick.
Use one of the above answers to each of the questions below.
Every single day, I like to be _____
On my day off you can find me_____
I wish that I had more time to be______
My Lover complains that I am always______
My good friends know that I am always______
My tombstone will have these words on it: I died______
If you choose A (Hater), C (Cover Band aka Quitter) , or D (Dreamer) . . .
you might want to look where you are heading, you may be about to drive over a cliff !!
If you chose B . . . then Congratulations, you do have a future as an ORIGINAL MUSIC Artist.
It is ok to dream big, but being stuck in the haze of a long day dream without a plan of execution will kill your career before it gets off of the ground. If you think that you will have long term success on a few songs that you wrote years ago and you don't continue to create and perfect your musicianship and performance your music vehicle is stuck in the mud.
Being a huge success takes time. In most cases, it takes years for musicians to become successful "over night" Original Artists. If you are a hater, or have thin skin, or you are lazy, or you have no patience, or you don't want to practice, you have these choices: 1) sell costume jewelry or deliver pizzas the rest of your life. 2) Suck it up and work even harder on your craft ( i.e. write better tunes or learn how to play your instrument without looking down at it.) or 3) Join a Cover Band or a Tribute Band and become pissed off at the world for your lack of creativity.
www.OriginalMusicReviews.BlogSpot.com ORIGINAL MUSIC REVIEWS ADVICE - MUSIC CAREER |
The sky is your limit. |
Every career path is like a road. Where your career ends depends on your mindset. Your music vehicle can take you on the highway of success or to the dead end of Cover Bandville. It depends on you, because you are the driver.

Most original artist who first get involved in music, start out with their pure love of music. What a great feeling it is to create a cool sound or write a catchy lyric. What fun it is for you to perform live in front of your friends and family. It's like racing above the speed limit with the wind in your hair (if you have any). Just don't get distracted by life, or being lazy, or because the doubts of others.
At some point early in an original artist's career, (before they seriously have a career) some artists become trapped as dreamers, others become disgruntled and become haters and others end up quitting their local music scene and start or join a Cover Band. The artist who work hard and smart are the ones who become successful. It depends upon people's individual music career mindset.
When it comes to your Music Career Mindset;
Are you a Dreamer, a Worker, a Hater, or a Quitter?
Sure, most original artist dream that they can create, practice, play, & record their own music for a living. A living, which is filled with the above mentioned perks . . . IF you work hard to become successful. But are you stuck in dream gear or fantasy land? Air Guitar or Lip Syncing may be fun when you were 8 years old. Is playing with yourself in front of your mirror the closest you will come to playing in front of a packed audience? How far can you get as a Total DREAMER?
Life can be busy. Most of us have family, school, work, or a combo obligations of all three. What you do in your free time to advance your music career maybe limited, but it is important. If you find yourself playing with your video game joystick more than practicing your musical talent, you have a problem. Gaming can be fun but being creative and working on your skills to make yourself a better musician can be more rewarding. If you are a guitarist please learn how NOT to look at your neck while playing. If you play keys, teach yourself how to know what you are playing without looking down. Basically, to become a successful entertainer, you need to practice. Those who do not take practice seriously, will never become champions (proof here). Recently, there was a story in the news about a drummer who ran out of gas on the side of the highway (Story here). While he was waiting for help, he decided to unload his gear and jam on the side of the road. This drummer is committed to working hard at his skills. If you are looking for a drummer to join your band, you need to get this guy.
Also, there was another story about a guitarist playing his guitar during an operation on HIS BRAIN (Story here). What are you doing today? Don't eat chips naked on a bean bag chair while you play video games. Be a WORKER and work long hard hours on being the best that you can be. Find the time and make it happen.
The social media is always a buzz with people who hide behind a computer keyboard to spew hate toward the local original music scene via cyber assassination. These dorks do Drive-bys on social media, shooting hate filled comments then take off. Most of the time it's the same losers who are never at any local shows, unless their band is playing. Then, there are others who also complain on the net that they deserve to have success within the music scene. They believe that they deserve opening up for a national band in front of 10,000 people. As if they could sell out a 900 seat theatre if they promoted the show themselves. These folks waste time on social media saying how great their music sounds, yet you haven't wrote more than one note in months, and their last CD is 3 years old. Hey Mr. Talent, put away the computer keyboard and start jamming on a music keyboard. We like to call these folks who talk trash and/or think that their music is better than others: Doctor Jekyll / Mr. Hide behind the computer.
Physician heal thy self! Hey you tool, shut up and play the one gig a month at the same venue, with the same two bands you always do, because your music career will never be more than a hobby. If you are a serious music artist you should get off of the net and into a local show and network. Know this: the music industry is not fair. It is greedy. IF you work hard maybe you can increase your fan base which itself will convince A&R, Booking Agents, Management, & Radio people that they will make money off of your work. Again the key word is work. You know it and you hate other successful original artists because of your lack of work ethic. Behaving like an ass will stunt your future. Those who could help you, read your BS and want to have nothing to do with you because you are a HATER.
A&R reps (Yes, there are a few still around), Booking agents, and other more important people in the music biz don't care about the BS you are shoveling. They don't care if you think that your music is better than others. If THEY don't think your music is better than others they will not book or sign you up. The truth is whether or not you think that you deserve it, others will be the ones who seal your fate. If you can't handle years of hard work do yourself a favor and don't waste your time on social media blasting your home town or the radio stations for not playing you. Quit crying like a baby and write and record some new music that others will enjoy.
The next group of people we will offend in this post are the QUITTERS. Cover Bands and Tribute Bands usually were Original Music Artists who became quitters. They have quit on their dreams and became lazy when It comes to creativity. They would rather have people cheer for them playing other Original Artists music then have the guts to take a chance and create their own music. Which is more rewarding, having a room cheering you because of a song you wrote or having a room cheering because of the artist you just copied or imitated? Besides, have you ever seen a Cover Band or Tribute Band play a sold out stadium in concert? Only Original Music Artists can sell out a larger concert venue.
When it comes to your music career, are you a dreamer, a worker, a hater or a quitter?
Take our quiz. Would you describe your music mind set as one of the following:
A) a hateful person, jealous of all around me.
B) creating, practice, playing, & recording my own music.

C) jamming to other people's music.
D) chilling, hanging out, & playing with my joystick.
Use one of the above answers to each of the questions below.
Every single day, I like to be _____
On my day off you can find me_____
I wish that I had more time to be______
My Lover complains that I am always______
My good friends know that I am always______
My tombstone will have these words on it: I died______
If you choose A (Hater), C (Cover Band aka Quitter) , or D (Dreamer) . . .
you might want to look where you are heading, you may be about to drive over a cliff !!
If you chose B . . . then Congratulations, you do have a future as an ORIGINAL MUSIC Artist.
It is ok to dream big, but being stuck in the haze of a long day dream without a plan of execution will kill your career before it gets off of the ground. If you think that you will have long term success on a few songs that you wrote years ago and you don't continue to create and perfect your musicianship and performance your music vehicle is stuck in the mud.
Being a huge success takes time. In most cases, it takes years for musicians to become successful "over night" Original Artists. If you are a hater, or have thin skin, or you are lazy, or you have no patience, or you don't want to practice, you have these choices: 1) sell costume jewelry or deliver pizzas the rest of your life. 2) Suck it up and work even harder on your craft ( i.e. write better tunes or learn how to play your instrument without looking down at it.) or 3) Join a Cover Band or a Tribute Band and become pissed off at the world for your lack of creativity.
Here at Original Music Reviews we are not important people. We are just people who enjoy good original music. We WANT You to be highly successful. We WANT You to use our site to help yourself become better. We WANT you to use our review (if we publicly post a review of your music) for your Bio and to help expand your audience. We will not "Like" someone just because they ask us. We also refuse to publicly review any music that we do not find creative, entertaining, interesting, unique, and very good. Sorry, our opinions are our opinions. If you are looking for someone to just say that your are awesome without meaning it, just ask your pet or play air guitar in front of the mirror.
By the way; if ORIGINAL MUSIC REVIEWS "Passes" on doing a public review of your new original CD, it does not mean that we think that your music will always suck. Only Cover Bands Suck. Maybe your current work could use a little tune up. Email us, and we will privately give you some observations. Next, feel free to submit some newer stuff, we will always listen to it. As long as your CD is new, original and has a Copyright or Publish date this year. The most important thing to do is WORK on your Dream to make your music success a reality !!
If your music vehicle runs out of gas, take out your instrument and jam on the side of the road until the next opportunity comes along, Work hard and never Quit !! Even if you hit a red light and are told by a stupid blog (like this one) that your music is not ready or you feel rejected by the 2 people who came to your show (and one of them is your own Mother) keep working on your Art. Become a better musician, singer, songwriter. Always write new music. Always be Original and Creative. Never forget to practice often.
Wake up, get those creative juices flowing and create and drive your own new music vehicle toward success. ORIGINAL MUSIC REVIEWS will be here waiting to listen to it. Any serious original music artists can apply. After all; writing, recording, and playing your own new original music is an opportunity for success. As far as playing someone else's music, you have better beware !! Playing other people's Original Music is a Dead End on the streets of Cover Bandville. We suggest that you never be caught in Cover Bandville.
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