Music Business Advice - Why Didn't You Review My Music or "Like" me?
Here at Original Music Reviews we have only one objective: Discovering tomorrow's new music, Today. The constant search for good, quality, catchy, insightful, and entertaining music goes on every single day. Living, Breathing, and Reviewing Music is what Original Music Reviews loves to do.
YOU have an open invitation to submit your new Original Music for Reviews at anytime. Anyone can submit their New (Copyrighted or Published this year) CD (music medium) of Original (written by yourself) Music (sounds that are pleasing to the ears) for Reviews (to be critiqued). The only other requirement is that you are either an Unsigned Artist or you are Signed to an Independent Label. All genres & styles are welcome here. All age groups and levels of skill are welcome here at Original Music Reviews.
Over the Years, many have submitted, few have been chosen for a review to be displayed publicly. We wish everyone who ever submitted, all of the best in their music career.
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We want to Listen to YOUR Music. |
Over the Years, many have submitted, few have been chosen for a review to be displayed publicly. We wish everyone who ever submitted, all of the best in their music career.
One of the most frequently asked questions to Original Music Reviews staff in person, via email, or via Facebook is the question: "Why didn't you review my stuff." To prevent you from asking the exact same question, here is a short list as to why we may not post a review of your music on our site. Be forewarned: this post is a bit "snarky."
CD Never Sent
Sorry, NO music mailed, NO Listen.
Sorry, NO music mailed, NO Listen.
How can anyone hear your new music if you never sent it in the first place? There is no excuse for not doing so. Everyone has family commitments, school, a job or a combo of all three (maybe 4 if you are on probation). What you do when you have free time? Put down the video joystick (doesn't matter which joystick you play with) and pick up an instrument! If you are serious about music and you don't want it to be a hobby, you should consistently be writing, practicing, recording and performing live all of your free time.
Remember this, if you treat your music career as a hobby, it will always be a hobby. Years from now you will be kicking yourself because you played the same songs for years at the 1 or 2 local spots and treating your career like a hobby. Meanwhile other future successful bands, groups, musicians, singers and songwriters are playing in more places and constantly working on their craft. Don't look back at a hobby. Look forward to a successful career!
We also REFUSE to review songs via links or downloads (reasons listed below in "Basic Music Biz 101"). If you want to promote your music, one of the best ways is by CD. When you meet someone that you feel it is important to hear your music handing them a CD is always better than saying "Go on the web and download the tunes." Many companies like Disc Makers do a good job at mass producing professionally you music on a CD. OR... If you have the wisdom and technology to post a link, you can burn a CD. Most computers can "Burn" a cheap basic CD.
Remember this, if you treat your music career as a hobby, it will always be a hobby. Years from now you will be kicking yourself because you played the same songs for years at the 1 or 2 local spots and treating your career like a hobby. Meanwhile other future successful bands, groups, musicians, singers and songwriters are playing in more places and constantly working on their craft. Don't look back at a hobby. Look forward to a successful career!
We also REFUSE to review songs via links or downloads (reasons listed below in "Basic Music Biz 101"). If you want to promote your music, one of the best ways is by CD. When you meet someone that you feel it is important to hear your music handing them a CD is always better than saying "Go on the web and download the tunes." Many companies like Disc Makers do a good job at mass producing professionally you music on a CD. OR... If you have the wisdom and technology to post a link, you can burn a CD. Most computers can "Burn" a cheap basic CD.
Basic Music Biz 101
Sorry, NO Copyright or Publish date, NO Listen.
Sorry, NO Copyright or Publish date, NO Listen.
There are a couple of rules to make certain that we obtain our objective and to protect ourselves and the artists we review legally when reviews are posted at: OriginalMusicReviews.BlogSpot.com. The most important rule is that we REFUSE to listen to any music without a Copyright or Publish Date on it.
Why ??
Let's say one day you turn on the radio and you hear a very catchy tune. The song sounds familiar. Soon you realize that it is YOUR song. SUCKER ! You did not have your music Copyrighted or Published, now somebody else is making money off of your hard work. Good luck proving that you wrote the song.
If there is only ONE bit advice that you take away from this blog site, please protect your music. Get your tunes protected today with having them Copyrighted.
By the way, anyone who is stupid enough to send in a CD via U.S. Postal Service and lie by saying their music is Copyrighted, and they did not get it Copyrighted, is committing Fraud. If you are caught, you will have the U.S. and/or International Laws to worry about.
Let's say one day you turn on the radio and you hear a very catchy tune. The song sounds familiar. Soon you realize that it is YOUR song. SUCKER ! You did not have your music Copyrighted or Published, now somebody else is making money off of your hard work. Good luck proving that you wrote the song.
If there is only ONE bit advice that you take away from this blog site, please protect your music. Get your tunes protected today with having them Copyrighted.
By the way, anyone who is stupid enough to send in a CD via U.S. Postal Service and lie by saying their music is Copyrighted, and they did not get it Copyrighted, is committing Fraud. If you are caught, you will have the U.S. and/or International Laws to worry about.
Sorry, Old music, NO Listen.
Think of any log time great Original Artist. Maybe you are thinking about The Rolling Stones, or Black Sabbath, or Spyro Gyra, or Bruce Springsteen, or Bon Jovi or Stevie Wonder. Would the general pubic say that any one of these original artist are one hit wonders? In a word : Hell, NO (ok, two words). Sure maybe one album was better than another but they continue to write & record NEW music. Even Rod Stewart has a new album out this year which he wrote. Where is your new music? Big deal, you had a CD out 3 years ago. Good luck starting a buzz on music made years ago. We want to hear your NEW music.
Cover Songs Need NOT Apply
Sorry, NOT Original, NO Review, and it's the Blowtorch for You.
If you are a Karaoke Clown (Cover Band) or a Milli Vanilli Band (Tribute Band), please do NOT submit you music for review. We reserve the right to take a blowtorch and melt your CD to the piece of crap that it represents. Cover songs aren't Original !! Everyone knows that it is almost Halloween and anyone can play dress up and copy or Lip-sync somebody else's music. It takes true talent to create music that other people will enjoy and want to hear. Be Creative, Be Original.
Our Opinions
Sorry, Not Catchy, Insightful, or Entertaining NO Review.
Music, like all art, is an opinionated subject. Take the above painting. Please look at the painting above. What is your opinion of it? Is it great or awful? Do you feel that it is good or does it suck? Some people like it others hate it and even others neither like or dislike it. People listening to music feel the same about a song. Some will like it others may hate it and others will not care one way or the other. It shouldn't matter who made it. If a piece of art is good, then it is good. If it is bad, then it is bad. It is up to one's Opinion.
Just because you submit your new music, doesn't mean that we will automatically love it. Even if you are one of our friends. Maybe your current body of music work is not the greatest that you can do. Maybe it needs some tweeking or maybe even some twerking. Original Music Reviews will not put you on public blast. We refuse to embarrass anyone. If we are not crazy about your latest work, we will just quietly "PASS" on reviewing it.
Just because you submit your new music, doesn't mean that we will automatically love it. Even if you are one of our friends. Maybe your current body of music work is not the greatest that you can do. Maybe it needs some tweeking or maybe even some twerking. Original Music Reviews will not put you on public blast. We refuse to embarrass anyone. If we are not crazy about your latest work, we will just quietly "PASS" on reviewing it.
If we pass on reviewing your latest music you can always send in your newer tunes for review. Also, if you want to know why your current music was passed on, you can send us an email and we will give you a reason or two why we passed on it. By the way, the above painting is a 1903 Original Picasco titled "The old guitarist." When we review music, we listen to that particular piece of art without a care about who made it.
"Likes" for those we actually LIKE. (what a concept)
Sorry, if we don't like you, we won't like you.
From time to time people on Facebook ask ORIGINAL MUSIC REVIEWS to "Like" their band or "like" their music. As if being Liked on Facebook by others who did it just because you liked them will make someone a success. To all of our friends on Facebook: IF we like you, we will "Like" you. And if you don't like Original Music Reviews, well then please DO NOT "Like" Original Music Reviews on Facebook. Sorry, we REFUSE to "Like" something we have not heard nor will we trade Likes on Facebook.
It Feels Great to be an ORIGINAL !! It also feels Great to know that the people who "Like" us on Facebook, didn't do it because we traded Likes between each other. They did it because they must really like us. To all of you who have done so we owe you more than a stupid "Like" on a social site. We owe you our Deepest and Sincere THANKS.