
A & R (Artist and Repertoire) - someone who usually works for the record company. the job use to include polishing a musician's talent. now in days they usually just sign the talent for the record company.

A.S.C.A.P. (The American Society of Composers, Authors, & Publishers) - the only member owned performing rights organization in the U.S.A. They collect royalties from businesses, then give to the composers, authors, and publishers. You can join for only $35 (as of August 2011).

Bill (Billing) - lineup or schedule of a concert.

B.M.I. (Broadcast Music Inc.) - one of the largest performing rights organizations. BMI collects license fees from radio & TV stations, venues, jukeboxes, etc. for the license use of music then distributes the royalties to the songwriters, composers, and music publishers.

Board - sound board. sound console. a sound person or sound engineer's equipment used to adjust levels from various microphones and inputs as well as ad effects such as delay or distortion.

Booking - to hire music artists for a venue or event. ALSO: to be hired for a musical performance.

Catalog - the collection of a group of songs or music artists.

Clause - a section of a legal document such as a contract.

Copyright - an exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a music. works granted such right by law after 1978, in the USA, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his / her death. Use copyrights to protect your music from theft.

Cover Band - musicians who choose to copy and play the same music that someone else created. imitation of the original music.

Cover Song - a song that was performed or rerecorded by someone different then the original music artist. an imitation.

DAT (Digital Audio Tape) - a high quality format for recording sound and/or music.

Demo - a CD with 2 - 3 songs on it by one music artist.

DI (direct input) - used to directly input instruments such as bass or keyboard to sound system.

DI Box - usually converts 1/4 inch cable to XLR cable for sound board.

EP (Extended Play) - When a CD has more than 3 songs but less than 8 songs.

FX - effects to sound. ie: reverb, distortion, etc.

Garage Band - a band that performs mostly for it's self. not yet ready to play outside their practice location.

Gig - concert or job.

House - venue or location of a live performance.

Indesphere - The world or place of independently recorded music.

Indie Label - short for independent record label. a small record label that has limited or no ties to a major record label.

Karaoke Clowns - another name for a Cover Band. (see Cover Band)

Local Band - band who plays music locally. usually an unsigned band.

Merch (Merchandise) - usually CDs & T-Shirts being sold at concerts. Can include hats, pins, and anything with a name or logo on it.

Milli Vanalli - to lip sync music. ALSO to pretend to be someone you are not. (see Tribute Bands)

Music Mudd - When a song goes into too many directions. Also, When to much volume on everything bleeds together. Also, Bad Mix off a live soundboard or studio recording.

Original Music - any style or genre of music that is created and performed by the same musicians for entertainment. instead of copying or imitation.

Pass - a music business term used by record labels and other music business to state that they are not interested in doing business with that band/group/musician/rapper/singer/song writer or another company at that time or for that project.

Peanut Butter & Jelly Tour - a very basic concert tour of small venues by a new band/group/musician/rapper/screamer/singer.

Piggyback Booking - booking two or more artist on the same concert bill.

R.I.A.A. - Recording Industry Association of America.

Royalties - a share of the profit reserved by the grantor. payment made to an author or composer for each copy of work played.

Scrim - a large piece of material used as a drop or border on stage for concerts. usually has event or band/group/musician/rapper/singer name, logo, or album artwork on it. 

Single - one song.

Signed - a musician, singer, or song writer who is has a contract with a record label.

Solicited - usually when record companies ask you for or gives you permission to submit a demo of your music.

Swag - free give aways. stuff like shirts, hats, & cds to be given away to promote a music store, radio station, band/group/musician, or brand of equipment.

Terrestrial Radio - old fashion radio a.k.a AM / FM Radio.

Tribute Band - a type of cover band who dresses up, mimics and plays the music from a successful music artist's catalog.

Tree Effect - when a musician or singer preforms stationary like a TREE which in EFFECT causes the audience to Leave.

Unsigned - a musician, singer, or song writer who is NOT under contract with a record label.

Unsolicited Materials - when a record label receives music in the mail without permission. they will usually send it back unopened.

Wedding Band - a type of cover band hired to perform at weddings.

Wedge - speaker usually used as a monitor on stage performances so the person or persons using can hear what they and others are playing/singing.

XLR - a style of electrical connector, primarily found on professional audio, video, and stage lighting equipment. The connectors are circular in design and have between 3 and 7 pins. They are most commonly associated with audio interconnection, but are also used for lighting control, low-voltage power supplies, and other applications.