It's time to say Good-Bye to 2011. We here at Refuse to bore you with some stupid recap of the past year. Some things in music were born, some things were changed, some people died, and some people were thought dead. If you are an original music fan or an original music Band, Group, Musician, Rapper, Screamer, Singer, Songwriter or even if you don't know who the hell you are, you can always checkout the archives of all of our music reviews and the music business advice we have publicly given. The Archives are located on the Left side of the Home Page.
Well it’s about to start…
2012 is about to become "THIS Year."
Rather than insult your intelligence with some stupid predictions by some talent less celebrity and their over hyped pet...
Please let us introduce or reintroduce to you a blog named ORIGINAL MUSIC REVIEWS. Original Music Reviews is located on the web at
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Which one is Talent Less ?? Which one is Over Hyped ?? Answers : BOTH on BOTH |
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Majorly Successful ORIGINAL Artists can pack a venues like this one. |
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Date: UNKNOWN Location : UNKNOWN Cover Band Name : UNKNOWN Where are they Now : In the AUDIENCE (see the backs of their heads in the previous photo) |
Here is what you will NOT read on this blog site: Gardening Advice (no green thumb here - let us pick a different finger for Cover Bands & Tribute Bands), Toilet Cleaning 101 (the only brush we use is for our teeth), Pizza Delivery Tips (like candy), or directions on how to become a successful Cover Band, because there is no such thing. ( example A example B example C ).
What you will read here is Original Music Reviews, General Music Business Advice, and YOUR Comments, Feedback, and Questions.
There are two ways you can comment publicly. As long as you PUBLICLY keep it clean and not mean (attitude is ok), we welcome anything you have to say about music or our reviews. You can comment on the individual post itself. At the end of every post there is a Post a Comment section. Simply type in your comment, Pick a profile (you can be Anonymous), click the "Post a Comment" Box, then type in a security jumbled word and hit enter.
Also, you can comment on the Right side of the blog in the SOUND OFF section. Please keep your public comments clean from profane, sexual, violent, or vulgar languages. Remember, some 14-year-old future Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Famer maybe reading your comments.
If you have any direct comments, ideas, suggestions, or even want to tell us how badly we stink, you can email us at: Please add much detail to your email and say whatever you want in the email (don’t worry we can take it). If you are a Cover Band or Tribute Band that wants to cry, please leave a mailing address so that we can send you a towel and a diaper or a nappy if your in the UK (while supplies last).
If you enjoy Original Music Reviews you can :
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D) "FOLLOW" us as a Member
Right side of Home Page click "JOIN"
Here is an open invitation to you :
If you are an ORIGINAL Unsigned or Inde Artist, Band, Group, Musician, Rapper, Screamer, Singer, Song Writer or Yodeler and you have some NEW (we will accept © 2011 the first few months of 2012) Copyrighted MUSIC; send in a CD (Compact Disc) to be reviewed. We will not review music via links, web sites, You Tube videos, Cassettes, DVDs, or VHS Tapes for legal reasons to protect the music artist and ourselves. Click on the “How to submit music” at the top of the Home Page for more info. Cover & Tribute Bands need NOT apply.
Now, for some end of year housekeeping.
A Huge Thank You,
to all of the Unsigned & Inde Music Artists who submitted their music to us, in 2011.
If you have submitted your music to ORIGINAL MUSIC REVIEWS but have not seen your review posted here at the blog,, here are some reasons why we may have not posted a review of your music:
1) You do not have a © (COPYRIGHT) on your music. You should always protect your music by owning it. If it is good, someone may steal it.
2) You have an OLD © (COPYRIGHT). We want the blog to be about new & fresh original music. We accept this year’s music. (YES, Copyright 2010 is not this year’s music)
3) Your music sounds just like another successful music artist. This is an ORIGINAL MUSIC blog and Not a Tribute Band blog. Be creative, be your own artist, be yourself. Push your talent to be better.
4) You submitted a Cover song. This is an ORIGINAL MUSIC blog and Not a Cover Band blog. Be creative, be your own artist, be yourself. Push your talent to be better.
5) We don’t want to publicly embarrass you. The piece of music, which you have submitted, is a piece of... well, lets just say it is not as good as you can do. Challenge yourself to be better. IF you can handle constructive criticism, email us and we will bluntly tell you our opinion PRIVATELY.
6) Your lyrics contain profane, sexual, violent, or vulgar languages. We are not trying to censor your music, we just have respect for the younger part of our audience, who read
7) You sent in an old 8-Track Tape, Cassette Tape, DVD, Reel to Reel, or VHS Tape, or you wanted us to review your music by a link, on a web page, or on You Tube. We ONLY accept CDs (Compact Disc) with this year’s COPYRIGHT on the music (we will accept © 2011 the first few months of 2012).
8) You never did send in a CD with your New ORIGINAL MUSIC on it. Why ?? What are you waiting on ?? The Incan calendar says the world will end in 2012. Even if you are like us and don't believe it, we aren't getting any younger. We are waiting to listen to your New ORIGINAL MUSIC.
Everyone here at Original Music Reviews would like to Thank You, the blog reader. Thank ALL of YOU, for reading us here at
Without you, we would not be one of the most successful Blogs about Original Music this past year. You don’t have to believe us, look at our competition and believe your own eyes. We are pushing 2,500 hits in 4 months.
(Thanks for your 2,499 hits, Grand Ma ! When I'm done typing this blog, I will drive you to get some more ink done on your back).
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Discovering tomorrow’s New Music, Today.
Original Music Reviews wishes you Season’s Greetings and we hope that you have the best of a Happy, Healthy, & Successful New Year.
Please include us with your future music success.